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The Sitka Center is located on the central Oregon coast just north of Lincoln City near the Salmon River estuary and the Nature Conservancy hiking trail. Cascade Head Ranch is the residential community in which the Sitka Center is located, a homeowners association with privately owned homes. The Sitka Center is also located in the center of a United Nations Biosphere Reserve designated by the United States Congress as the only National Scenic Research Area, Cascade Head National Scenic Research Area (CHSRA). Congress created the CHSRA in 1974 in order to maintain and enhance the scenic and ecological qualities of the area. The agency with the most responsibility in this area is the U.S. Forest Service, as the CHSRA is managed by the Siuslaw National Forest.
Sitka Center, at the edge of a Nature Conservancy preserve with over 3 miles of trails, is adjacent to the Cascade Head Experimental Forest where Native American and other forestry practices have been researched since 1938.
Its small campus, studios, and residences, are part of Cascade Head Ranch and sit within view of the Pacific Ocean, overlooking the protected Salmon River estuary.