56605 Sitka Drive
Otis, OR 97368
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Submit a workshop proposal

The Sitka Center is now accepting workshop proposals for the 2025 season.

The applications deadline for the 2025 season is September 5, 2024.

If you're interested in submitting a new workshop proposal and instructing at the Sitka Center, please read our FAQ's below. Then go to the online workshop proposal submission web page for more details.

The Center's 100+ class annual Workshop Program is taught by a diverse group of  80+ instructors. These instructors come from around Oregon and the nation to teach in an inspiring environment with dedicated students. Each year we seek 30 – 40 new instructors to refresh and invigorate our programs.

Sitka's health and safety policies, including regarding Covid-19, are subject to change based on the latest Oregon and US guidance.

If you have any questions, please email or call 541.994.5485

Thank you!

FAQ's about Teaching

What time of year do you offer workshops?

Our typical workshop season is from early June to the end of September.

How long does each workshop last?

Our workshops run from 1 day to 4 days, every day of the week. The typical length is 2-3 days and most run from 10am-4pm. (Daily workshop schedule can be adjusted if you need participants to arrive early to go out into the field for photos, birding etc.)

Where do I stay when I'm teaching at Sitka?

Instructors are invited to stay at Sitka in the residencies on campus for no charge while teaching their workshop. In some cases instructors may also be able to stay at the house on our 80 acre preserve, a 15~ minute drive up the mountain from campus. You are welcome to come with friends or family, please let us know in your application if you would prefer a space with more than one bed.

Arrival is 4pm the afternoon before the workshop begins. Departure is 11am the day after the workshop. Living spaces are stocked with basic kitchen cookware, salt & pepper, bed linens, towels, etc. You will need all perishable/consumable supplies i.e. food, soap, shampoo, etc.

ADA-compliant parking and housing is available on campus; please let us know if you will need these accommodations.

How are instructors paid for teaching workshops?

Instructors set their own teaching fee. Class size is determined by medium and facilities, your instructor fee does not reflect class size. Material fees are calculated separately and will be reimbursed to you based on how many participants are enrolled. If there is a model, we collect model fees and pay them directly. If enrollment is low the class may be cancelled, or you may be given the option to teach for a slightly reduced pay (a 20% deduction to cover the cost of staffing a low enrollment workshop).

Tips for instructor fee setting : Most instructor fees fall within a range of $200 - $400 per day. Some experienced instructors with established followings and strong personal marketing skills charge more, and are able to fill their workshops. Newer instructors and those still developing their audiences and personal marketing skills charge less. We calculate the cost of your workshop based on your teaching fee. The goal is to set the right balance based on your experience, your ability to help advertise your workshop, and a final tuition price point that feels fair to Sitka's workshop participants. When we find the right balance, the workshops fill easily and our instructors are able to run their workshops. Browsing last year's Sitka catalog is a great way to familiarize yourself with Sitka's offerings and tuition range.

Do I get reimbursed for travel?

We do not reimburse for travel expenses. Please take this into consideration when coming up with your instructor fee.

Will there be anyone to assist with the workshop?

Our Campus Hosts will assist with the studio set-up and will check-in on the class throughout the day. When it is time to pack-up and leave, they will help break down the studio and prepare the space for the next incoming workshop.

May I bring an assistant with me to help support me while I teach my workshop at Sitka Center?

Sitka Center provides staffing to assist with the following: Opening and setting up your studio space, maintaining its cleanliness, directing participants to your workshop and supporting off-campus workshop field trips. However, if you feel you may need to bring a personal assistant with you to help with your workshop, please contact the Program Manager at least 2 weeks in advance of your workshop to discuss these needs.

When contacting the Program Manager, please keep in mind the following:
* We do not provide separate housing for personal assistants.
* Your personal assistant is not allowed to lecture during the workshop (Please see the FAQ about Team Teaching).
* You are responsible for any money paid to your personal assistant.
* Your personal assistant should not participate in the workshop as a student.

Team Teaching/Guest Teachers

We are open to offering courses that are team taught. However, if you wish to have more than one instructor please include that information with names and credentials during the application phase.

Can I bring another person?

Yes, you are welcome to bring a person with you but they can not attend the workshop unless they are registered. (Let us know if you have questions about the space available in the residence.)

Can I bring a pet?
Sitka can not accommodate pets and can make no exceptions to this policy. Service animals with relevant paperwork are of course welcome. Please contact the program manager to learn more.

How does lunch time work?

Participants bring their own lunches and we have a kitchen with dishes, refrigerator and microwave available for use. Weather permitting, the courtyard has tables that are set up for lunch to be taken at. Instructors decide the timing and length of lunch breaks. We do not provide food services.

What type of space will I teach my workshop in?

We will schedule your workshop in Boyden or Smith studio. Sitka additionally has a space for AV presentations, Edelman Studio.
See Facilities

How do I submit a new workshop proposal?

You will submit your workshop proposal online through Slideroom.

Sample Instructor Bio

Ruth Armitage
Abstract painter Ruth Armitage has been honored with signature status in the National Watercolor Society and many regional groups. She divides her painting time between watercolor, acrylic and oils. Ruth's work has been featured on OPB's Art Beat and has been exhibited and published nationally. Most recently, Ruth’s work was featured in the Spring 2017 issue of Acrylic Artist Magazine. You’ll find Ruth’s work locally at the Portland Art Museum's Rental Sales Gallery. A former high school teacher, Ruth enjoys sharing art and inspiration in the classroom. Students enjoy her organized and creative approach to teaching.

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