56605 Sitka Drive
Otis, OR 97368
[email protected]
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Make a Year End Donation!

Your support now will help us raise the $60,000 we need to cover end of year expenses and lay the groundwork for an inspiring 2019.

As we approach Sitka’s 49th year together, we reflect on our collective work and growth in all its forms, from personal transformations to environmental stewardship to creative expression.

Specifically, over the Fall 2017- 2018 season we:

·       Experienced our highest art and ecology workshop participation ever, with over 70% of workshops selling out;

·       Hosted 29 artists and ecologists in residence, from painters and printmakers to musicians and marine biologists;

·       Offered our free Mingle and Muse event series, exploring art and culture, and bringing diverse voices to the coast;

·       Celebrated the Sitka Art Invitational’s 25th anniversary, and showcased the work of 148 nature-inspired Northwest artists;

·       Engaged in a year of programming and exploration at Grass Mountain to expand our impact and reach.

Make a donation today!

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