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Sitka is pleased to announce that Rebecca Welti was the first artist to participate in a new Artist-at-Sea residency program that celebrates the collaboration between Sitka and Oregon State University's Hatfield Marine Science Center.
OSU received grant funding from the National Science Foundation to complete 4 oceanic research trips in the next 2 years studying mesozooplankton communities at various depths and seasons off of the Oregon and California Coast. The first of the four trips took place in February and Rebecca spent 10 days on the research ship R/V Sikuliaq observing and conversing with scientists from OSU, University of Oregon and Portland State University. The goal of this collaboration is to create a way for artists to express the scientific experience to a wider audience and increase audience engagement.
Sitka is accepting applications from visual artists, writers or musicians to participate in the next trip scheduled for July 3 to July 13, 2018 on the R/V Sally Ride. Applications for the July trip are due on April 17, 2018. Click here for more information about this residency program and how to apply.